The other day, I heard someone mention they wished baby
monitors had a snooze button. Although comical, it is also thought-provoking. When
a new baby wakes up crying in the middle of the night, a parent wouldn’t hit “snooze”
even if such a button existed on the baby monitor. Tempting as it might be to
go back to sleep, especially after strings of multiple sleepless nights for a
new mom, she knows her helpless baby needs her and there is urgency in that
What if you treated your alarm clock the same way? What if
you treated every day with a sense of urgency and purpose, like a mother
checking on her new baby?
A couple of weeks ago, I hit “snooze” for the first time in
months. As soon as I did it, I felt the sting of defeat and it seemed to
trigger a cascade of disruption in my mind set. I felt “off” for the better
part of the day.
It may seem like a small act, but hitting “snooze” starts
your whole day out on the wrong path. Although appearing insignificant, it can
be the small things that change the spirit of your day. You see, by hitting
snooze, you have already given up ground before your day even starts. You haven’t
even gotten out of bed yet and you are playing catch up. You have already given
in to temptation. You’ve already been beaten.
Can you recover the five minutes of extra sleep you got?
Maybe you skip a shower, look at fewer Facebook updates or scarf down breakfast
a little faster. Sure, maybe you can recover the time, but it will take a lot
more effort to reset the tone for the day. You are already playing from behind
before you’ve even opened your eyes. That’s a lot tougher to recover from because
once you have given in to one impulse, it will be harder to combat the next
one. Your will and resolve have already been injured.
It may be a small victory, but start every day with a win.
No snooze button. Even if it appears to be minor, overcoming that snare to kick
off your morning will build momentum throughout the day. Even if you don’t have
the reminder of a baby’s cries, there is absolutely immediacy in this because you
will only get one chance to start each day. Don’t hit the snooze button – your
day is too precious to begin with defeat.
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