Wealth means different things to different people. For some, wealth means being able to do and buy whatever you want, whenever you want. For others, it means having a “work-optional” lifestyle where you have enough income potential from investments or other passive sources to maintain your standard of living without a paycheck. Others may feel wealth is being able to generously give to and help others. And then for still others, it means simply having enough financial stability to not be worried about money, to not live in constant anxiety and fear regarding finances.
I believe wealth is more a mindset than a financial status. I know plenty of people who have great financial means yet live in fear and frustration when it comes to money. Conversations with a spouse about money trigger fights and anxiety. These folks have a scarcity mindset.
Meanwhile others, although not destitute, have far less in financial terms yet manage to experience freedom in their finances. They are generous and joyful with what they have. This second group has an abundance mindset.
Dave Ramsey has said, “Money alone will not solve your problems. It just makes you more of who you already are.” If you are greedy and selfish by nature and come into cash, it will exasperate those issues. If you are fearful and anxious about finances, wealth will only intensify those emotions. It has been said that the only thing wealth brings is the fear of losing it – now THAT is a scarcity mindset.
The problem with chasing wealth for wealth’s sake (as an end in itself), is that sometimes wealth catches you more than the other way around. With an improper mindset, rather than you owning your money, your wealth really owns you. The tail starts wagging the dog. And the freedom and independence you thought you were chasing ends up being a prison of fear and loneliness.
Pursue an abundance mindset. And this goes far beyond finances. Although the preceding paragraphs might be dealing with money specifically, I think they could be applied to many of our most precious resources. So, whether it is in your finances, with your time, your talents or even your effort, exercise generosity and gratitude to build an abundance mindset.
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