I was recently challenged by a mentor to review the last few weeks and carefully examine my calendar over the past few weeks and divide it into two categories: acting or reacting. In the former, we are acting on something, while in the latter, something is acting on us. In one instance we are the driver, in the other we are the passenger. Deliberate, intentional action is a common marker of an impact person. I doubt that is news to anyone. Yet, most of our society is in a state of reaction. Whether it be an annoying boss, a frustrating commute, too much candy in the lunchroom, a distracting in-law or even the Coronavirus, many are content to let life just happen to them, rather than happening to life. Granted, we all need a certain amount of flexibility to “roll with the punches” as life will knock us around at times, regardless of how proactive we are. But the getting up and getting back on course only happens if we are intentional and deliberate in our actions. The r...