You will always have critics. There will always be people
who are watching and waiting for you to fail. There are others who will
undermine and criticize your accomplishments. This is especially true if you
are pushing beyond the norm and striving for excellence. The higher you climb,
the louder the judgement. You will not be able to please everyone.
It’s this fear of the opinions of others (and even just what
we think the opinions of others may
be) that cause many to never start that journey towards their calling. They are
too concerned with what others might think or say if and when they trip and
fall. The potential failure seems magnified by the audience sitting on the
sidelines. The possible embarrassment becomes amplified in our minds. What will
people say if I fail? What will they think of me?
But there is another voice you must be mindful of: your conscience.
Your conscience is monitoring your actions and will hold you accountable, not
only for what you have done, but also for what you were supposed to do and didn’t. There
are people in your life who you will never be able to please. There are others
who will accept you at times but ignore you when you need them most. People will
come and go, but your conscience will always call out and demand an account. There
will be times when you must choose between pleasing the passing critiques or
following your conscience. To which voice will you answer?
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