Jim Gaffigan has an extremely popular comedy bit centered around the infamous Hot Pocket. He marvels at the engineering feat of creating a food product (using that term loosely, of course) that is scalding hot on the outside yet somehow remains rock solid frozen in the middle. And don’t forget about the indigestion and diarrhea that is sure to follow your meal. Not to mention, Hot Pockets probably cause cancer in the state of California. Although I rarely agree with Jim on his eating habits, I must concur here. Hot Pockets are an absolutely terrible food product. In fact, in a soon-to-be famous conspiracy (that I just made up for this blog about 17 seconds ago), it’s possible the Hot Pocket was invented by North Korea to weaken and soften up Americans for a future invasion. So why do people still buy these things? Because they are microwaveable: quick and convenient. It provides a cheap, fast, but temporary solution (using that term loosely as well) for hunger while delaying t...