There are a lot of things out there that can kill us, but everyone seems to be worried about just one of them right now. And while this particular risk actually seems to have a very, very low mortality rate, its greatest harm seems to come from its ability to grip us with fear. Our world right now is dominated by fear, if not sheer terror. My wife was at the grocery store the other day, walking down the aisle without a mask (cue gasps), when a mother with a small child coming from the other direction – upon seeing my maskless bride – grabbed her child and frantically pulled her out of the aisle and behind the cart. It’s as if my wife was wearing an “I’m an axe murderer” t-shirt or parked out in an alley in a windowless van trying to attract kids with a “free candy” sign. Regardless of the danger and inherent risks of the virus, this is no way to live. In fact, it’s not living at all. Living in fear is merely existing at best, and slowly dying at worst. And guess what? We are ...