It’s easy to view controversial figures in a negative light. For one, we have an innate need to “belong” and a desire to fit in with our peers. But for two, many of those seen as controversial tend to rock the boat just to make waves and seem to create controversy for its own sake as an end in itself. This is unfortunate because sometimes controversy is necessary. Sometimes the boat needs to be rocked, not for the sake of making waves, but because that’s the only way to get it out of the deceptive “safety” of the harbor and out into open waters where it can actually take you where you need to go. As a rule, most people will be average or at least clustered closely around it. They will take the easy path rather than the right one. They will choose comfort and convenience over what’s possible and purposeful. They accept long-term pain for short-term gain. In doing so, they will shortchange those closest to them and ultimately, cheat themselves. If you do take the narrow path ...